Rock Climbing School Program Survey

First of all, congrats on a great five weeks Everyone! We hope you had a great time and learned a lot about yourself and climbing!!

You are now officially SAN Alumni and have been invited to our private FB Alum page. As an alum, you are invited to join us on our multi-pitch climbs(a.k.a. SAN Seconds), get updates on anything climbing related, get discounts on climbing courses and group outings along with all of the vast ways of info-sharing that can be done in the group. Although not officially SAN related– this is also a great forum to connect with other alums to go out and climb on your own, too!

If you enjoyed our program, it would be HUGELY APPRECIATED if you could fill out the following survey to help improve our program and to get the word out about SAN!

*Asterisk means required field. Also, after you click submit page is reloaded, scroll up to the top and a “Thank You” prompt will show up indicating it went through fine.
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